If you want to know on how to conceive a baby girl using natural way, you are at the right place. These methods are not going to guarantee you having a baby girl but however will help to increase the chance of conceiving a girl significantly. It’s better than doing nothing at all right? :D
By doing these simple methods I’m going to share, you might be blessed with a beautiful baby girl of you own.
Basically what you have to do is to help the sperms which carry the X chromosome which determining the gender of a baby girl to reach the egg first. To do that you’ll have to create an environment which will favor and help the X sperm to perform better. The characteristics of the X sperm are they are bigger and slower that the Y sperm but will live longer and would perform much better in an acidic environment.
With the combination of techniques I’m going to share with you right after this the chance for you to conceive a baby girl will surely increase a lot.
Pick the right time to have intercourse
As I mentioned before regarding the characteristic of the X sperm which they are slow and live much longer than the Y sperm. We are going to use that fact to plan the right time to have intercourse so that you can have a baby girl. The trick is to have intercourse 2 to 3 days BEFORE you ovulate. So by the time the egg is viable and ready to be fertilized, the sperm that left will be most likely the longer lived X sperm.
A little tweak in your daily diet
X sperm would really love and perform much better in an acidic environment, so you might want to add to your daily diet foods that contains high calcium and magnesium. Broccoli would be a perfect example of food which has high level of both nutrients. Other foods such as fishes, apples, dairy products and leafy green vegetables also recommended if you want to try conceiving a girl.
The ideal sexual positions
While choosing for the right position that will amplify the likelihood to conceive a baby girl, it is recommended for you to choose positions which allow the sperm to be deposited far from the cervix. The ideal position is the one allowing shallow penetration such as missionary position.
When the sperms are further away from the egg then this will also help increasing the chance for the longer living X sperm to reach the egg first when most of the opposite gender Y sperm dies off.
I hope with this short post will give you the idea on how to conceive a baby girl naturally. If you need more detailed instructions on how to have a girl you might want to get this guide written by an experienced mid wife.
I wish you good luck conceiving a baby girl. :D
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