How to conceive a baby boy naturally in 3 easy steps

In this post I want to share with you 3 easy steps that will surely increase the probability of conceiving a baby boy. As I have mentioned in my previous posts, this method though work but is not 100% guaranteed. Even with the most advance medical treatment we have now cannot be guaranteed to work all the time.

However if you would like to increase the chances of adding a new baby boy to you lovely family, this 3 steps on how to conceive a baby boy will certainly help you.

In my post: Predict Baby Gender - Is there really a way to choose your baby's gender? ; I’ve discuss the facts on the differences of the Y sperm which are responsible to product a baby boy and the X sperm which carry the chromosomes responsible for conceiving a girl.

To increase the probability to conceive a baby boy, we can try to give the Y sperm the environment they most prefer and can perform better so that one of them will reach the egg first. So let see what are these 3 easy steps are:

Conceiving a baby boy – Step 1: Eat the right food

The food you eat everyday actually may contribute some effect in determining your baby gender. To conceive a boy, you can try to increase your portion of red meat, or add sweet corn and banana in your diet. The bottom line is to eat food that is rich in sodium and potassium.

Conceiving a baby boy – Step 2: Plan the time of your intercourse

The Y sperm which determine your baby boy gender is the better swimmer between the 2 types of sperm but also have a shorter lifespan. To conceive a boy you might want to time your intercourse as closely as you can to your ovulation day or on the ovulation day itself, while the Y sperm still plenty and sturdy to make it to the egg first before they expire. It is important for you to have the knowledge to calculate your ovulation day, in order to plan your intercourse.

Conceiving a baby boy – Step 3: The right sexual positions

As for the recommended sexual positions for conceiving a boy, you should choose the positions which allow deep penetration. The theory is when sperms deposited deep inside a woman, as close as possible to her cervix, the distance needed for the sperm to travel will be lessen and given that Y sperms are better swimmer and faster, this will allow them to reach the egg before the X sperm.

Common positions that allow deep penetration are the woman on top positions which include ‘cowgirl’ and ‘reverse cowgirl’ position and doggy style position (penetration from behind).

So there are the 3 steps you can do to increase your chance to conceive a baby boy. Step 1 and Step 3 are quite straight forward but as for Step 2 it is important for you to know how to calculate your ovulation date accurately for you to fully take advantage of the method. To do that I would like to recommend a guide written by an experienced Mid Wife, Alice Pennington which will tell you in details on every important step you have to do in order to conceive your chosen baby gender.

You can download her guide at her website here…


  1. Plan your Pregnancy as you like with home check ovulation kit you can now choose your time and date of pregnancy Just Type in Google home check ovulation kit

  2. This is a really informative knowledge, Thanks for posting this informative Information. I want baby boy
