Predict Baby Gender - Is there really a way to choose your baby's gender?

I’m sure you are here to know the answer to the question if there is a way to predict or choose the gender of your baby before conception. As for the answer to your question ‘YES’ there is actually a way for you to conceive a baby boy or conceive a baby girl in a way which is totally natural, without help of any drugs of painful injections and certainly not harmful in any way.

Even now with our medical advances, there are still no methods which will 100% guaranteed to be accurate in either conceiving a baby boy or girl. But still, if you are determined and ready to try a few natural methods, the rate of success to conceive your selected baby gender will significantly increase.

However I’m sure no matter the gender of the baby; the most important thing is for our baby to be born healthy and happy. In short below is the basic knowledge you need to know in order to try to conceive the baby gender you have chosen.

Differences in Sperm

Basically there are 2 types of sperm, one which carries the Y chromosomes, which will determined the gender of a boy and another carry the X chromosomes which if fertilized with the egg will give you a baby girl.

The Y sperm is smaller, more agile and fast but have a short life span, while the X sperm is bigger, move quite slow and more durable, live longer. X sperm and Y sperm prefer different vagina’s environment and will perform better in their preferable environment. X sperm does better in acidic environment; on the other hand, Y sperm perform wonderfully in an alkaline environment.

Effect of the sperm differences on conception

It is important for you to understand how we can use the differences of these 2 types of sperm in natural gender selection method. Once you have all this information, then you can begin trying to conceive a baby boy or baby girl.

You can refer to my other posts in this blog for more articles which will help you to conceive your chosen baby gender or you can read my review on a guide which will help you in detail on how to conceive a baby boy or girl.

Have fun trying! :D

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